Emily Holle
“In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity” – Albert Einstein
Life isn’t always easy, and even the strongest individuals sometimes need a little help to workthrough the difficulties life throws at them.Sometimes life brings stress, anxiety, chaos, and trauma. We all need a little support when thesedifficulties arise. Let me be there to help you navigate these moments and find the opportunitythat awaits you.
I use a client-centered and collaborative approach to best fit each client’s needs. These mayinclude trauma-focused, cognitive-behavioral therapy, solution-focused, family systems, andstrengths-based approaches. Seeking support can be scary at times. I strive to make this a safe,non-judgmental space for every client.My clinical experience includes working with children, teens, adults, and families. I have extensive experience working with individuals living with severe mental illness, children andfamilies-especially those involved in the Child Welfare System, and young adults seekingassistance with the challenges and stressors life inevitably brings.
About Me:
I was born and raised in a small town in Minnesota. I graduated from Minnesota StateUniversity- Mankato with a bachelors in Recreation Therapy. I then earned my Master of SocialWork from Fordham University in New York.In 2018, My husband and I became licensed foster parents, which began a journey that wouldchange our lives forever. We adopted three truly amazing children and continued to be fosterparents until early 2022, when we moved to Rapid City, SD. In addition to being Foster Parents,we also worked within the system. This afforded us a unique perspective into the systems thatare charged with supporting families within our communities. I was able to see the profoundneed these children and families bared. Over the years, it has become my mission to provide forthe needs of the children and families in our community through support, skill development,working through trauma, and overcoming generational and systemic barriers set before them.
In my free time, I love to go on adventures with my husband, our four children, and our Husky.We love being in God’s creation through hiking, camping, fishing, and exploring new places nearand far. At my core, I’m a winter girl. I love to snowboard and have snowball fights with mykids. I also can’t think of anything more peaceful than enjoying a cup of coffee, getting cozy, andwatching the snow fall outside my window.Thank you for taking a minute to read about me. I’m looking forward to working with you!